September 22, 2017

Exploring Colors

Check out all of the intense color mixing going on here!!  Instead of using paint brushes, we used our fingers to make some beautiful colors!   We started out with red, blue and yellow paint...which we turned into orange, purple, green and brown! 

September 15, 2017


We have started out the school year by learning our classroom routine and rules.  We are making new friends and discovering all of the fun things to do at school.  Here's a peek at some of our learners hard at work - our first week was a success!

September 08, 2017

Welcome to Preschool

Welcome to Bloom 'N Grow Preschool!  We are eager to begin the 2017 - 2018 school year and very excited to get to know all of our new friends.

This page is designed to share our classroom activities, projects and learning processes through pictures.

See everyone on Tuesday!!